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Respirator Medical Evaluation & Clearance - Online
To comply with OSHA's Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134), employees must be medically cleared before being fit tested or wearing a respirator. Ask yourself these important questions:: How much...
Small Spill Response - Online
Many employees work with hazardous chemicals every day. Whenever chemicals are used, there's always the chances of a spill. Some spills can be cleaned up by workers at the site,...
Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records - Online
Some types of jobs may expose workers to toxic substances. When an exposure incident happens, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to maintain records of what workers...
Warehouse Safety - Canada - Online
Most large businesses need warehouses to store and organize raw materials, finished product, surplus equipment or other materials. Unfortunately, fatal injuries are more common in warehouses than in other workplaces...
Valley Fever Awareness - Online
Valley fever or Coccidioidomycosis (sometimes known as 'San Joaquin valley fever' or 'desert rheumatism') is a fungal infection caused by inhaling fungus spores and affects thousands of people every year....
Winter Safety for Oil and Gas Personnel - Online
Jobs in the oil and gas industry often require driving and working outdoors. In some cases, this means working or driving in extreme temperatures or conditions. Workers who successfully complete...
Violence in the Workplace - Canada - Online
Workplace violence can unexpectedly occur in any workplace setting. Statistics Canada estimates that 350,000 Canadian workers are subjected to threatening or violent situations at work every year. Unfortunately, workplace violence...
Suspicious Packages - Online
Many workplaces handle and process a huge amount of mail and packages. While the vast majority of these items will be harmless, they may occasionally be dangerous. Hostile individuals might...
Used Oil Management - Online
Oil is one of the most common chemicals used in both commercial and consumer machinery. It's absolutely necessary as a lubricant for all types of engines, and when refined it...
Stop Work Authority - Online
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly 150,000 construction site workers injured each year. Many of these accidents are preventable. If a worker recognizes a situation in...
Struck By/Caught Between for Well Completion - Online
Oil and gas exploration and production operations are at the core of the oil and gas industry, but these operations can also be very dangerous. There are plenty of machines,...
Work Zone and Flagger Safety - Online
Despite the many precautions taken by companies and workers, road work zones are still inherently hazardous. Being prepared for what you might experience on a work site is an important...