
We loved the chance to meet so many of our clients in person, but we’re sorry we couldn’t meet everyone. To include everyone in the celebration, we’re offering special coupons for one week only (expires 8/27/24).
10% any Certified Elite courses (our Instructor-Led and Virtual Instructor-Led classes)SAFETY24-ONLINE15
15% any online courses (our Certified Proficient and Certified Trained courses)CONGRATS TO OUR WINNERS!

Congratulations Matt Holsberger!
Matt won the $100 'Follow Us' Instagram contest.

Congratulations Tosha Zimmerman!
Tosha won a pair Of Beats Headphones for our #blaze5280 contest.
Booth 129 - SAFETY24
Congrats to our Plinko winners who went home with one of Compliance Solutions' coveted leather patch hats!