Do Your Employees Wear Respirators? Are You Spending More Than You Should Be On Medical Clearances For Your Employees?

In addition to respirator training and “fit” testing, employees must obtain a Medical Clearance before wearing respirators in the field. They also must obtain a new clearance at least once annually thereafter. Compliance Solutions Online Respiratory Medical Clearances will save you time AND money!

About Medical Clearances

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 

Requires all employers to provide Medical Clearances (also known as a “Fit-to Wear” Clearance) for employees who wear respirators as part of their job. Getting employees “cleared” ensures the employee is medically capable of wearing respirators before the “donn or doff” a respirator. This process involves an extensive review of the employee's medical history and, in some cases, additional testing if the medical professional conducting the review has questions or concerns related to the employee's health or background.

With the cost of medical services rising each year, you’ll be glad to know that there is a cost (and time) effective solution to sending employees to an “occ-med” clinic or the company doctor. Besides the cost of taking your employees “out of service” for several hours, the direct cost of obtaining a clearance (normally between $125 and $275 for each employee) keeps rising each year! Online Clearances avoid or substantially reduce these costs and protect your company from rising costs & OSHA fines!

Compliance Solutions Online Medical Clearances Are Priced @ Just $69.95 Each!

Available In English And Spanish!

For More Information On Online Medical Clearances, Click Here

While You’re At It, Check Out Compliance Solutions Complete Respiratory Protection Packages, Including Employee Training, Online Clearances & Fit Testing.