Discounts And Deals


Online Training Quantity Discounts

Looking for "A Deal" on online training?  Get your calculator and total up your training needs for the next 12 months.  Buy your seats all at once and save from 10% to 45% off the "single-seat" price plus... take the next 12 months to use all your seats! What could be simpler?

If you have more than 100 seats, give us a call... we may be able to provide you with your own custom online portal!  Want to know more? Click "Read more" or call 800-711-2706 for more information... It could be the best choice of the year! Read more

Instructor-Led Training Discounts

Prefer Instructor-Led training and want to save some shekels?  If you have a group of 5 or more... consider On-site training. If you'd rather attend a scheduled class, with courses in 58 U.S. cities, we're probably right down the street!

Register for the same class and receive discounts of up to 15% off. No forms to fill out; just add the class you want to your shopping cart, select the number of employees, and your discount is automatically applied at checkout!

Library Pass ®

Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Spanish. Our new Library Pass® is the way to save money on online training for those that need multiple courses (everyone, right?!) Employees new to safety, EH&S Managers, Plant Supervisors, EH&S Professionals, Training Coordinators, the list is endless. Get access to the training YOU need for a full 12 months!

The Library Pass®  is the perfect option to train WHEN you want, WHAT you want, HOW you want...Read more

Honorably Discharged Veterans

At Compliance Solutions, we don't just say "we love Veterans"... we put our money where our heart is! Check out our discounts.

We guarantee you'll love our training... ALMOST as much as we appreciate your service! Read more

Government Pricing

Working for the Gov? We've got you covered!

All verified government entities (Federal, State, Local, and Municipal) receive discounted rates on government employee training classes. Online, On-Site, Instructor-Led & Virtual. We've got what you need to succeed! More Info & Qualifications


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